Teachers’ values in Romania

In a recent editorial on the website avocatnet.ro, Claudiu Tufis (Member of EVS Romania), commented a recent study investigating Romanian teachers‘ values and make a comparison with the broader population’s attitudes (when the same items were used) with data from EVS 2017. He found that

  1. Teachers are in fact more tolerant and more democratic than the general population. With differences in favor of teachers from 6% (rejection of neighboring Roma) and up to 31% (acceptance of homosexuality).
  2. Furthermore, teachers are more tolerant and more democratic even when compared to the population with higher education. In the case of Roma neighbors, the difference is not significant, but in all other cases, the difference is large enough to be significant.

As compared to the whole population or to the higher education population, teachers are one of the few factors that slowly help to democratize the population of Romania.

The article, in Romanian language, is available here.