Category Archives: Dissemination

Premio Gizarte Saria 2021

María Silvestre, Professor of Sociology at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Deusto and member of the Executive Committee of European Values Study, has been distinguished with the Gizarte Saria Award 2021, awarded by the Basque Association of Sociology and Political Science by vote of its associates.

The award ceremony took place last Friday, December 17, 2021, at the hands of the President of the AVSP, Pepe Oleaga, who in his speech valued the professional and personal qualities of the researcher, as well as her dedication to the Association.


On December 17, the AVSP-ESZPE presented the Gizarte Saria 2021 award to María Silvestre (Spanish)

Frontiers in Political Science: CFP Special issue on Moral values

Edurne Bartolomé Peral (Chair of the Theory Group of EVS), Pascal Siegers, and Herman Duelmer are guest editors for the special issue of Frontiers in Political Science on the Research Topic: “Boundaries of Life: Attitudinal, Value and Political Implications on Euthanasia, Abortion, Reproduction and Medical Practices

Abstracts are due by January 28th, 2022. All info here.

Modernization, improvements in technology and medicine, together with the shift to value patterns that enhances self-determination and claims for further rights and equality are considerations that grow in importance in the modern world. The structural aging of our societies and the postponement of parenthood due to career and lifestyle have led to a rising relevance of the so-called beginning- and end-of-life issues. Issues such as medically assisted reproduction and dying, triage of life-threatened patients, abortion and suicide, raise moral and political questions that present specific characteristics and variations in the context of modernization, laws, policies and welfare systems. Medical progress has led to the development of technologies interfering in biological processes of procreation, expanding childbearing possibilities to individuals and social groups previously excluded from parenting. In relation to the end of life, growing demand for autonomous dying raises public awareness of practices of assisted dying and puts pressure on parliaments and governments to regulate medical practices.

The goals of this Research Topic are:

● To Introduce an adequate cross-national effort of mapping differences in morality attitudes and values and their determinants, and provide highly relevant policy knowledge for future decision making in European welfare states.

● To provide evidence on the nuances within the attitudes of the public in different cultural contexts related to these moral issues.

● To link survey research data, especially on attitudes and values with the welfare state provisions, policies and different legislations in world societies.

● To reflect on the relationship between profound cultural and value structures on private issues such as beginning- and end-of-life with the public political debate in societies.

●To add systematic comparative evidence at the individual and contextual level to the existing eclectic knowledge from diverse disciplines into one single topic (beginning and end of life).

Contributors to this Research Topic provide insight from diverse disciplines in the social sciences and from different fields within political science. Beginning and end of life issues open the way for contributions from political sociology, political theory, political philosophy, politics and sociology of religion, public policy and medical ethics. One of the goals of the special issue is to bridge the knowledge from these different fields and to integrate eclectic knowledge from diverse disciplines of political and social sciences into one single topic (beginning- and end-of-life). From the political theory and political philosophy perspective, authors contribute from the normative notion of naturalness and/or the concept of “good death”. Moreover, empirical sociologists and political scientists present data on the evolution of values, attitudes and public opinion on the beginning and end of life. Survey methodologists´ contributions provide insights on the problems and solutions on measurement. Contributions from public policy scholars focus on the macro and institutional perspectives in relation to morality policies, welfare provisions and cultural contexts in relation to beginning and end of life.

Keywords: Beginning end of life, Euthanasia, Abortion, Surrogacy, Medical Triage, Assisted reproduction techniques

Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.

Modernization, improvements in technology and medicine

To contribute to the special issue, read the information provided by the journal here.

CFP: European Values Conference 2022

More than 40 years ago, the first wave of the European Values Study (EVS) was collected to monitor values change across Europe. At present, the EVS has collected five waves of survey data representative of the European population to respond to many questions that the European continent is facing today. Novel insights from four decades of EVS data will be presented in the Atlas of European Values at an event in Brussels on Monday May 9, 2022. Subsequently, on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 May 2022, the Department of Sociology at Tilburg University organizes a scientific conference that brings together social scientists with a vast interest in explaining values differences across Europe.

Call for papers

For this conference, we would like to invite papers that either analyze the EVS or use alternative methods or data sets to advance the understanding of values in Europe. We particularly but not solely welcome contributions that exploit the longitudinal and/or comparative character of the survey. Panels will be organized in thematic streams, with among other topics a focus on attitudes towards migration, solidarity, democracy, trust, environmentalism, and identity; we further invite papers that clarify the link between politics and values, study societal polarization, contribute to didactics and implementations of values education, or make methodological contributions in the field of values research.

Abstract not longer than 500 words can be submitted using this form, not later than January 15, 2022. Deadline extended: February 5, 2022. In the course of January, more information will appear on that website, including information about the venue, hotels, and conference fee. A preliminary program, with keynote speakers, will be announced by March 1, 2022. Accepted papers are expected by April 29, 2022.

More information on the webpage of the conference: :

Organization committee at Tilburg University: Tim Reeskens, Inge Sieben, Quita Muis, Ruud Luijkx


CESSDA’s Podcast on EVS data

CESSDA’s podcast series offers an episode dedicated to the Eutopean Values Study data, available also throught the CESSDA Catalogue.

The CESSDA podcast series explores the important world of data archiving and sharing and our researchers across disciplines and countries are benefitting from the CESSDA Data Catalogue. This CESSDA podcast zooms in on the role of the European Values Study in sociology, political science and civil society, with insights from Prof. Ruud Luijkx, Tilburg University and Chair of the Methodology Study. The European Values Studies is a repeated, large-scale, cross-section survey research programme yielding insights into the ideas, beliefs, attitudes, preferences, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe.

Prof. Luijkx highlights evolving values in Europe since the early 1980s in what can be described as a “silent revolution” across the generations bringing implicit changes in attitudes and ideas. The European Values Study is an ideal starting point for understanding differences between the surveyed countries at any point in time, with researchers sharing more detailed information in publications. The datasets from the combined World and European Values Studies are a joint asset in the CESSDA Data Catalogue, which gives researchers direct access to all this insightful data without having to navigate across all the archives.

Enjoy the podcast!

Values and Identities – a policymaker’s guide

The Joint Research Center (JRC) published in November 2021 the report “Values and Identities – a policymaker’s guide“.

This report presents the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on Values and Identities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Values are said to be the dominating forces in life and Identities represent who we are and to whom we belong. Both shape the political landscape in democracies and have gained in importance in recent decades. The report contains important insights for policymakers to adapt their work to the challenges of our time, including a dedicated toolbox section. The scientific review and toolbox are complemented by findings from a dedicated Eurobarometer on Values and Identities commissioned for this purpose.

To develop the report, the JRC involved several scholars from different disciplines, including values scholars from the EVS: Loek Halman and Frederic Gonthier, who contributed to the panel of academics.

The JRC’s report is available here.

Source: Scharfbillig, M., Smillie, L., Mair, D., Sienkiewicz, M., Keimer, J., Pinho Dos Santos, R., Vinagreiro Alves, H., Vecchione, E. and Scheunemann, L., Values and Identities – a policymaker’s guide, EUR 30800 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2021, ISBN 978-92-76-40965-6, doi:10.2760/349527, JRC126150.

EVALUE: online webinar

On behalf of our Erasmus+ project EVALUE, we invite you to participate in the online Multiplier Event for teachers and educators on 20 November 2021, 13.00-15.00 CET.

What is EVALUE?

The European Values Atlas maps European values, specifically for use in education. The data is made accessible through the EVALUE Erasmus Plus project and has been gathered by researchers working on the European Values Study.

The project aims at facilitating values education in schools, by using data from the European Values Study, the World Values Study, and the European Social Survey.

On the website the project offers several tools, such as
(1) visualising the data in maps (with various possibilities for comparison),
(2) answering questions of the surveys according to values dimensions and visualising them in a scatterplot (with the possibility to compare one’s own point of view with classmates and various respondent groups in your own and other countries),
(3) extended and short versions of background information about values dimensions (such as migration, environment, democracy, tolerance and solidarity),
(4) various teaching materials developed in the participating countries about these topics (which have been designed according to the needs of cooperating schools and trialled by them), and
(5) a curriculum framework in order to help develop lessons with the available tools by teachers themselves.

If you want to hear more about the developed tools and would like to discuss these with teachers who already worked with the materials, we would like to invite you to register for the online International Multiplier event. It will take place on 20 November 2021 between 13:00 and 15:00 (CET).

If you would like to participate, complete the form to register for the event. Your link to join the webinar will be sent to you by email several days before the webinar.

Debating Europe: What are European Values?

Debating Europe is an online discussion platform based on the following model: citizens ask questions, policy makers and expert respond. Since launching, Debating Europe involved more than 280.000 people. To date, a selection of 180.000 questions have been put over 2500 experts and key policy makers.

In the debate on the key question “What are European values?” our Inge Sieben has been interviewed as representative of the European Values Study.

Read here the full discussion

THE PARADOXES OF WORK: So important, so unstable

This webinar, organized by the Italian team of EVS on May 18th at 17.00-18.30, follows the publication of the book “Come cambiano gli italiani” (edited by F. Biolcati, G. Rovati, P. Segatti 2020), which reports the main results of EVS in Italy.

Giancarlo Rovati, EVS National Program Director in Italy, will be presenting the main results concerning work values that will be discussed by scholars from different disciplines.

The event is in Italian.

Introductive greetings
Marco LOMBARDI, Direttore Dipartimento di Sociologia
Laura ZANFRINI, Direttore del Centro di ricerca WWELL (Work, Welfare, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning)

Presentation of the main results
Giancarlo ROVATI, Docente di Sociologia dello sviluppo, Facoltà di Scienze politiche e sociali

Roberto BENAGLIA, Segretario Generale FIM Cisl
Pietro ICHINO, Professore di diritto del lavoro, Università degli Studi di Milano
Rosangela LODIGIANI, Professoressa Associata di Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro,
Facoltà di Scienze politiche e sociali

Attending the webinar is free, click here for enter the Cisco Webex (if requested, digit the password Q2Ewrw44)

SSHOC Speech-to-text Workshop

Date: 16 April 2021 – 11:00 to 12:30 Location: Online

Survey Infrastructures systematically interview tens of thousands of individuals across Europe each year. Respondents are selected at random from all walks of life, and the hour-long interviews provide a range of data which has value for researchers and subsequently policy makers.

While complex life histories or events may be coded into the structured taxonomies required for cutting-edge sociological research, a large proportion of the information conveyed in an interview is lost. A respondent’s tone of voice, linguistic fluidity, and depth of vocabulary for example can provide insights about cognitive function, socio-economic status or verbal reasoning skills.

Making use of this lost data requires the integration of social survey and linguistic infrastructures. Such integration underpins the EOSC vision. As such, the basis for the work within SSHOC on analysing voice recorded interviews seeks to provide both a proof of concept and a framework for future research that explores this approach.

SSHOC (Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud) is EU funded project aiming at creating the social sciences and humanities area of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) thereby facilitating access to flexible, scalable research data and related services streamlined to the precise needs of the SSH community.


  • Judith Koops from the Generations and Gender Programme, will provide an overview of the project. She will focus on the advantages of collaboration between the different infrastructures and new insights generated over the course of the project.
  • Joris Mulder from the LISS panel will demonstrate the tools used for collecting audio data through existing survey software in online interviews. He will provide an evaluation of the challenges encountered in this project as well as the way these issues were solved. 
  • Henk van den Heuvel from the Speech and Tech team will then describe the tools used for analysis of Oral History data which could be adapted for analysis of survey interviews. In particular he will address the so-called Transcription Chain, which is based on automatic speech-to-text conversion. The resulting text can, after manual correction, be processed by NLP tools to obtain more insights into its linguistic structure, or for topic detection or text summarisation, amongst others.
  • Giovanni Borghesan from the European Values Study will lead the interactive session where participants will discuss potential applications for the tools, the use of the data for new avenues of scientific research, as well as ways to improve the collection, processing and archiving of audio data.


On Thursday, 4th of March at 17 (CET), the Family Studies and Research University Centre at the Catholic University of Milan (IT) organizes the webinar “Making Family: a walk in small steps” (“Fare Famiglia: un cammino a piccoli passi”).

During the webinar (in Italian), prof. Sara Mazzucchelli, Dr. Francesco Belletti, and prof. Daniela Barni will present and discuss research results based on EVS trend data on  family issues. The research is linked to the book “Come cambiano gli italiani” (edited by F. Biolcati, G. Rovati, P. Segatti) il Mulino 2020, which reports the main results of EVS in Italy. Giancarlo Rovati, EVS National Program Director in Italy,will chair the event.

Attending the webinar is free, click here for enter the Cisco Webex (if requested, digit the password 395GXc3dagM)



Camillo REGALIA, Direttore del Centro di Ateneo Studi e Ricerche sulla Famiglia

Alessandro ANTONIETTI, Preside della Facoltà di Psicologia


Sara MAZZUCCHELLI, Professore Associato di Sociologia dei Processi Culturali e Comunicativi, Facoltà di Psicologia

Francesco BELLETTI, Direttore CISF (Centro Internazionale Studi Famiglia)

Daniela BARNI, Professore Associato di Psicologia Sociale, Università degli Studi di Bergamo


Giancarlo ROVATI, Docente di Sociologia dello sviluppo, Facoltà di Scienze politiche e sociali

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